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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Timely reminder from another blog...

For some reason this week has just been hard.  I don't really want to go into the details, but my heart has been on my sleeve and too many people brushed too close and everything feels upside down and hectic of late.  It really shouldn't considering the semester is almost over, but sometimes life doesn't work like we expect.

In the middle of my pity party I ran across this post on one of the blogs I like.  It helped me put things into perspective and encouraged me to step back and look at where I am a little differently.  I hope it can encourage you too!

Here is the link: It's the Process

For those of you who don't like links, this is what Kim at Raising Olives had to say...

"This past fall while I was busy packing for our camping trip, something occurred to me; life is not really about the destination, it’s about the process.

As I sat in the midst of sleeping bags and tents, asking the little boys to ‘please stop jumping into the pile of pillows’, I realized that this is life. Life isn’t so much the vacation as it is packing for it.

Life is the process.

Life isn’t about seeing your homeschooled student graduate; it’s about hundreds of nose wipes, thousands of nap time prayers, teaching them the sound that ‘b’ makes, reminding them to chew with their mouth closed and listening to them as they tell you hundreds of silly stories. It’s about the millions of  God ordained moments that proceed graduation.

It’s about the process.

Oh sure, we eventually go on vacation and watch our children graduate but if I’m living my life for those big moments, always rushing toward the next goal then I’m missing life.

I’m missing the joy of  jumping into piles of pillows, the beauty of cracking eggs into batter, the satisfaction of a freshly swept floor, the blessing of each precious moment that my sovereign God has purposed to give to me. I fail to appreciate the myriad of life things that occur every day and I ultimately miss out on the very life that God has ordained for me.

If I’m living for the big moments then I may view a runny nose or silly story as a hindrance, a nuisance to be avoided or gotten through as quickly as possible rather than a sovereign gift to enrich this tapestry of my life, to craft me into the person that He wants me to be.

So if you hear Mark or I say to one another, “It’s the process”, you know that we’re just reminding each other to take a breath and thank God for the moment, because we believe that the process, each and every moment of it, is important."

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