So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Reading the Bible in 90 Days

So after seeing several friends complete this challenge I really wanted to give it a try.  I intended to do this earlier this year, but as you have been witness my semester exploded!  Well Kim at Raising Olives brought this to may attention again, AND she supplied a schedule to use as well!  She has offered to email folks to help keep them accountable and I took her up on it... unfortunately I started out behind!!!  This particular challenge started on April first (Friday) and I'm just starting to read today (Sunday), so in order to catch up I need to read to Genesis 40!  Oh well, that's what Sundays are for right?

I have tried to read through the whole Bible before and never made it.  I wish I could confidently say I have read everything in the Bible at least once, but I can't!  I know I've read most of it but I can't say positively that I've read it all.  I have tried reading the Bible in a year before, but I would usually get distracted somewhere in Leviticus... not very far in.  I'm hoping through this more intense approach I can power through some of the more difficult books while getting a fuller picture of the time line and connections through out scripture.

I hope to give you regular updates along the way and would love if you could keep me accountable too!


  1. Good for you! I did this same plan last summer, but bottomed out once I got to the NT and didn't finish it in full until december. It's my goal to do this plan every summer though. I LOVED doing this b/c I feel like I learned a lot more by reading in such large chunks. But if you get behind it is HARD to catch up. Just give yourself grace--the 90 days don't matter as much as reading the Bible!

  2. Thanks friend! I have already gotten behind once and catching up has been a bear! I am only one day behind at present and was hoping to catch up tonight... that might not happen now!
