So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Contentment has always been a tricky area in my life.  Even when I like where I am, I often get wrapped up in planning for the future, so much so that I miss the joys of the here and now... often so much so that I think the future must be better than where I am, and oh why won't it get here sooner?!?!  That's at the best of times mind you, when I am several states away from my family and in a challenging program this struggle can look more like an outright pity party.

Over the last few months I have been challenged in this area through scripture and counsel with several friends and family members.  Obviously God has me here for a reason, even if I don't know that reason now and even if I never find that reason out this side of heaven.  So I should be rejoicing in the fact that He has a plan He is using me in, instead of begrudgingly following where He leads.  I want to get to the kind of contentment that Paul talked about, that no matter the condition or circumstances he can be content and even rejoice.

So where do I start on this road?  One of my closest friends recently told me something I didn't realize I needed to hear - that it is okay if I like Florida.  It is okay that I make new friends and actually become happy here.  Her friendship would not be dulled and my family's love would not be reduced for me if I allowed myself to actually like where God has put me.  That they actually would be happy for me!  Those words were so freeing.  My stubborn heart was fighting so hard to not get attached here that it was not only affecting my contentment, but my joy, my peace and my openness to new relationships and the people the Lord was placing around me.  It was also preventing me from committing my full effort to this program and project.  Hopefully with this new knowledge and freedom I can make some significant strides towards contentment here in Florida.

This friend also suggested that I start keeping track of the good things about Florida and the things I am thankful for along the way (she's a smart cookie, huh?).  While it has been very inconsistent I have started a notebook of things that happen on a daily basis that I am thankful for.  In honor of this list (and maybe to help keep me accountable) I decided to try something new, Thankful Thursdays! (Go ahead, roll those eyes!  I rather thought it was clever!)

Obviously this will be sporadic, like all of my postings, but it will give you and myself some reminders of my progress.  Feel free to keep me accountable!

What things help you to be more content in spite of your circumstances?

1 comment:

  1. just pondering on this tonight. i find that i feel guilty for being if God isn't stretching me enough if I'm happy where I am, but as long as I'm seeking to be in His will and spending time with Him contentment is totally of the Lord!

    Looking forward to seeing your thankfuls :) and it was SO wonderful to see you last week!
